The Hawkins Love or Above scale goes from 1 (low) to 1000 (high). Here are some basic levels on the scale
Disgrace 20
Blame 30
Indifference 50
Melancholy 75
Dread 100
Want 125
Outrage 150
Pride 175
Fearlessness 200
Nonpartisanship 250
Eagerness 310
Acknowledgement and Forgiveness 350
Reason 400
Love 500
Satisfaction 540
Peace 600
Appreciation 600-800
Illumination 700-1000
To show you need to be at 500 or above. It is tricky to show anything when you are in a state of disgrace (20) in light of the fact that disgrace signifies 'I am insufficient'. While Desire is a real help for some individuals to change the downside is that it can prompt dependence on things such things as sex, cash, distinction, or force. So it is not easy showing. Different issues anticipate smooth showing at alternate levels before 500. At the point when get to a vibration of Love or Above at the 500 level you can without much of a stretch show what you need in your life and live utilizing your instinct.
Numerous strategies will raise your vibration. From ruminating to making appreciation records to gift yourself as well as other people with light. The devices in the Love or Above course let you raise your vibration level.
What's more when you have raised your vibration then take roused movements in the physical world – call somebody, send email, do some work on a venture or what ever goes to your instinct when you think "What will it take to show ___?
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